It’s about learning what Not to do
I have taught all sorts of people for over 30 years; people with back pain, horse riders, and teenagers with scoliosis, musicians, computer users and singers. In lessons I teach people to ‘unlearn’ bad habits such as unconsciously gripping neck and jaw muscles and so tugging their heads downwards into their body. This often results in slouching and twisting and consequent pain and problems.
Alexander discovered that ‘Use affects function’, meaning that if you are using your body badly, squashing yourself with tension, it’s hardly surprising that you’ll be interfering with your breathing and digestion.
I use simple activities such as sitting, standing, walking and lying down which although seem simple demand co-ordination of your head, neck and back.
If you can improve this co-ordination you can apply it to other aspects of your life, from driving a car, playing sports, musical instruments, or yoga and other activities.
Learning to use your body and mind as a harmonious whole will give you management tools for whatever ails you. It is a wonderful self-help technique that puts you back in control of your own body.
My fees are currently £60.00 per lesson (discount for low income, just ask) and I offer an initial lessons for you to see if you like it. Then I may suggest a course of six or ten lessons according to your individual needs. I still have pupils coming to me after 20 years of lessons and I am often asked for just one lessons from someone from another country. You are leaning a skill- how long you take over it is up to you.